Understanding JavaScript Data Types and Variable Declarations.


7 min read

In the world of JavaScript, understanding data types and how variables are declared is crucial. JavaScript provides different ways to declare variables, and these declarations can impact how data is stored, accessed, and modified. In this article, we'll explore the fundamental data types in JavaScript and dive into the use of let, const, and var for variable declarations.

Data Types

1. Number

Definition: Numbers represent numeric values in JavaScript.

Analogy: Think of numbers as the way you count things. For example, when you count apples, you use numbers. It's like saying, "I have 5 apples." The number here is 5.

let apples = 5;
const NUMBER_OF_MODES = 10;

2. String

Definition: Strings are sequences of characters, like letters or words, enclosed in quotes.

Analogy: Imagine each letter in a word is like a pearl on a necklace. When you put these pearls together, you get a beautiful necklace, which is like a string in JavaScript.

let name = "John";

3. Boolean

Definition: Booleans can be either true or false and are often used to make decisions in code.

Analogy: Think of a light switch. It can be in one of two states: either it's turned on (true) and the room is lit up, or it's turned off (false) and the room is dark.

let isLightOn = true;

4. Undefined

Definition: When a variable is declared but not assigned a value, it is undefined.

Analogy: It's like having a box. You know the box exists, but you don't know what's inside.

let emptyBox;

5. Null

Definition: Null represents the intentional absence of any object value.

Analogy: It's like a lunchbox. You intentionally left it empty because you didn't want to put anything in it. Then you say that the lunchbox is empty, or technically in JavaScript, you say the lunchbox has a null value.

let emptyLunchbox = null;

6. Symbol

Definition: Symbols are unique and immutable data types often used as object property keys.

Analogy: Imagine you have a secret club with a secret handshake. The secret handshake is like a symbol. It's unique to your club and not shared with others.

const secretKey = Symbol('mySecretKey');

7. BigInt

Definition: BigInt is used to represent very large integers beyond what normal numbers can handle.

Analogy: Regular numbers are like a ruler with limited markings, but BigInt is like a ruler with many, many more markings, so it can handle much larger measurements.

const bigNumber = 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890n;



Definition: When you declare a variable with let for a primitive data type like numbers, strings, or booleans, it means you can change the value of it. Also, let variables are block-scoped, meaning they are only accessible within the block of code where they are defined.

Analogy: Think of variables declared with let as boxes in the rooms of your house. Each room has its own set of boxes. You can open and close these boxes and replace items in them. The boxes are accessible only within the room where they are located, meaning they are only that room (block) scoped.

  let roomBox = "Toys"; // You can only open and use `roomBox` in this room
  roomBox = "Books"; // You can change what's inside the box
console.log(roomBox); // Error: roomBox is not defined


Definition: Variables declared with const are also block-scoped, but their values cannot be reassigned after they are defined. They are like sealed jars with their contents fixed.

Analogy: Variables declared with const are like sealed jars in the rooms. Once you've placed something inside and sealed the jar, you can't change what's inside. The jars are accessible only within the room where they are located, and their contents remain fixed, much like const variables. These sealed jars cannot be accessed in other rooms.

  const sealedJar = "Gold"; // You can't open or change what's inside the jar
console.log(sealedJar); // Error: sealedJar is not defined


Definition: Variables declared with var are function-scoped, meaning they are accessible throughout the entire function where they are defined. This means they can be used and modified in different parts of the function.

Analogy: Variables declared with var are like a common light source in your house. They can be turned on or off from any room, and the light's effects are visible throughout the house. If you change the light's brightness or color in one room, it affects what everyone sees in other rooms. This shared light source can lead to unintended interactions and confusion among the different parts of your house.

function lightSourceHouse() {
  var centralLightBulb = "Bright light"; // The light is visible in the entire house
console.log(centralLightBulb); // No error, but not recommended (may not be what you expect)


  1. Scope:

    • let and const have block scope, meaning they are limited to the block of code where they are defined.

    • var has function scope, making it available throughout the function where it is declared.

  2. Reassignment:

    • With const, you cannot reassign the variable of a primitive data type after the initial assignment.

    • let allows you to reassign the variable's value as needed.

    • var also allows reassignment and may lead to unexpected behavior due to its less predictable scoping.

  3. Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ):

    • let and const variables are subject to the Temporal Dead Zone, which means they cannot be accessed before they are declared in the code.

    • var does not have a Temporal Dead Zone but is more error-prone because it can be accessed before declaration.

In modern JavaScript, it's recommended to use let and const over var for better scoping control and to avoid potential issues. Use const when you don't need to reassign the variable and use let when you do.

When const Variables Are Defined with Arrays and Objects

const with Arrays

const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'];

fruits.push('date'); // You can add elements to the array
fruits[1] = 'blueberry'; // You can change the value of an element
fruits.pop(); // You can remove elements

console.log(fruits); // Outputs: ['apple', 'blueberry']

Explanation: When you use const to declare an array (or an object), it means you cannot change the reference to a different array. However, it doesn't mean the content of the array (the individual elements) is frozen. You can still modify, add, or remove elements inside the array because you are working with the same array reference.

Think of const as a lock on the door of your house. You can't replace your entire house with a different one (changing the reference), but you can still move the furniture inside, paint the walls, or add new decorations (modifying the content). The lock (the const declaration) only ensures that the house (the variable) stays the same.

const with Objects

const person = { name: 'Alice', age: 30 };

person.name = 'Bob'; // You can change the value of a property
person.address = '123 Main St'; // You can add new properties

console.log(person); // Outputs: { name: 'Bob', age: 30, address: '123 Main St' }

Explanation: Just like with arrays, when you use const for an object, it means you can't change the reference to a different object. However, you can still modify the properties of the object or add new properties.

Think of an object declared with const as a picture frame on the wall. You can't replace the entire picture (changing the reference), but you can still paint over parts of the picture or add more details around it (modifying or adding properties). The frame (the const declaration) ensures that the picture (the object) remains in the same spot.


Understanding JavaScript data types and variable declarations is essential for writing efficient and reliable code. The choice of let, const, or var and the understanding of data types like numbers, strings, booleans, and more are the building blocks of JavaScript programming. Use these tools wisely to craft powerful and error-free applications.